UKC GRCH Rolling Hill Sunny Soda
12 inches tall
faded tricolor
broken coat
6-13-08 to 6-28-18
UKC Jack Russell Terrier
AKC Russell Terrier

Soda had a successful first weekend showing UKC at just 6.5 months of age. She was Best Female Puppy and Best Female three times. She even went Best of Winners and Best of Breed at her very first show ever. She received a Group 3 from there.
At nine months of age, she completed her UKC CH. She received Best Puppy Female, Best Female, and Best of Winners three times and went BOB twice. Her third weekend out she was BOB three times and received a Group 3 and a Group 4. Her fourth weekend out she earned the first leg on her GRCH and received another BOB. Her fifth weekend out she acquired another BOB and a Group 3. Her sixth weekend out she was Reserve CH five times. Her seventh weekend out she earned the second leg on her GRCH, went BOB, and achieved her first Group 1. Her eighth weekend out she won the CH class three times, completing her UKC GRCH, and was BOB twice. Her ninth and final weekend showing in 2009, she was BOB four times and received a Group 3 and a Group 4.
Soda topped off her 2009 as the #2 UKC JRT. In the Top 10 class at Premier in July 2010, Soda received an Award of Excellence. She is now retired from the UKC show ring.
On November 5, 2010, Soda enters her first AKC show in Knoxville, TN and goes Best in Miscellaneous...earning her an invitation to the Eukanuba National Championship in 2011. On Nov. 6, she earns another BIMISC.